Ingatkan dah jadi orang kuat perkasa dah makin perkasa!
las2 gelaran datuk dah ditarik balik!
aku tatau la ape motif penarikan balik pangkat dan anugerah negeri kelantan tu.
yang penting..Tuanku dah suruh..sape berani ingkar??
korang bace ka t bawah ni:
This, explained the pint-sized Perkasa chief when accosted by reporters in Parliament this morning, was because he still had two more datukship awards from Selangor and Malacca.
“Can, you can still call me datuk. I still have awards from other states,” the jovial-sounding Ibrahim said.
He, however, offered to be called “Saudara Ibrahim Ali”, noting that he did not mind being labeled such and would not feel slighted in any way.
“If I don’t have a datukship, it’s OK. I prefer to be called Saudara Ibrahim Ali. You don’t call me datuk, it’s OK. It is a small matter to me,” he said.
The Pasir Mas MP explained that he had received the Datuk Paduka Mahkota Selangor award from the Selangor palace and the Darjah Mulia Seri Mahkota award from Malacca.
“There were other states too I could have received my datukship award from. Only I never filled up the form.
To me, it is not a big deal. Nowadays, even those who are not datuks, we still call them datuk,” he said.
tak pe la Saudara Ibrahim Ali. darjat tu sume kat dunia je. yang penting nak bawak pangkat dan anugerah sebagai bekalan kat 'sane' nun haa...btol x??notakakiku: aku tak kesah diorang kene tarik balek gelaran datuk...bonus esok ada ke tak??
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